Homemade orange squash recipe - learn to make orange squash at home without any preservatives and enjoy summer! I don't buy store bought squash or jam as they are really easy to make at home and during summers I make with fruits that are available. I like to use seasonal fruits and when orange was in season, I made this squash. This squash has a nice colour and that was attained by adding the orange rind, so when you plan to make this squash try to buy orange with nice orangey rind. As usual, I did not add any preservatives or food colour and I hope you will try it and enjoy as much as my family did. Homemade Orange Squash Video Tutorial : Ingredients: Orange: 6 Lemon: 4 Sugar: 1 kg Water: 1 liter Method: Wash orange really well. Peel the orange and keep aside rind of 3 orange. Put 3 orange rind in a sauce pan and fill with water, let this rind soak for 10 mins. After 10 mins, scrape off the inner white part of the rind. The orange rind is used to g...