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Eggless Chocolate Tart....step by step.

Eggless chocolate tart; yes this tart is eggless...

It is my never-fail-tart way back from the 90s. I have lost count of the number of times I have made it. The crust is oh-so-melt-in-the-mouth-kinda-one, you have a bite and it's lost and then you feel like whoa, what was the taste....I need to have a bite again....and again....

The crust is so flaky, so melt in kind that, you just can stop at one piece......and the chocolate filling has lots of chopped cashewnuts.....cashewnuts and chocolate= HEAVEN.

I have also shown how to make this  melty, crunchy, soft, flaky crust in the food processor....the crust can be baked ahead  for later use.
No excuse, you have to make it.....since I am making this easy for you....

Notes: Since I used salted butter I did not use extra salt for the crust or chocolate filling.
Flour: 3/4 cup.
Cornflour: 1/4 cup.
Salted Butter: 1 stick, cold.
Baking Powder: 1/2 tsp.
Powdered Sugar: 1 tsp.
Vanilla essence: 1 tsp.
A few drops of cold water.

For the Chocolate Filling:
Sugar: 1 cup.
Cocoa powder: 1/4 cup.
Vanilla essence: 1/2 tsp.
Milk: 1/2-3/4 cup.
Salted Butter: 4 tbsp.
Chopped Cashewnuts: 1/2 cup.

Grease a 7 inch tart case preferably with a removable base.
Put flour, cornflour, baking powder, and sugar in the food processor and give it a pulse.

Chop the cold butter...with a strong knife.

Then dunk it into the food processor.

Give it a pulse or two. (If you are not using the food processor, you have to rub the butter into the flour until it resembles breadcrumbs)

Again switch on the food processor and while it is running, add in the vanilla essence and few drops of very cold water....then it will come together into a smooth dough....that's pretty easy isn't it.....(if you are not the food processor type just knead it with your hand into a soft dough adding the vanilla, and few drops of water)

Plop the dough onto a baking paper. Simply press into a small circle with your fingers.

Then cover the butter paper with the other half and lightly roll it into a wider round with your rolling pin.

Peel off one end of the butter paper.

Place it over the tart case carefully.....if it gets torn, dont worry.... just press lightly with your fingers on the the tart case....and prick with a fork.....then just pop it into the freezer for 5 min.....and bake in a preheated oven for 25-30 min at 180 degree C. And your flaky, melt-in-the-mouth tart case is ready to fill up with your favorites.

Now for the chocolate-cashewnuts filling: in a heavy bottom pan combine all except the butter and cashewnuts and whisk to mix it without any lumps. Place it over heat and bring it to boil and then simmer for 5 minutes. Add in the butter and again simmer for 3 to 4 min or until it coats the back of the spoon.

Then add in the chopped cashewnuts and switch off the fire. Allow it cool and while still warm pour this into the tart crust.

Cut into slices and serve.
Caution: These are highly addictive, enjoy :)


  1. mmm...very nice and tempting....chocolatey :)

  2. Thank you sure is tempting

  3. yea i agree very tempting and yummyy

  4. This is so yum, Nisa. The chocolate filling with cashew nuts...this is something I have to try too.

  5. tart looks yummy and the step by step pics helps a lot in understanding the whole method.

  6. omg, wish i get a huge slice of this tart,looks absolutely divine;

  7. what a lovely tart with my favorite chocolate :) love your bright clicks yummm

  8. Awesome looking tart. Wish I could prepare such a delicious dessert.

  9. It looks awesome ....beautifully done

  10. Simply divine & delicious!!! This is a nice & simple filling recipe..
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  11. Hai,just wanted to ask u a small doubt...ur tart case is of the disposible type or the aluminium mold...i dnt have a tart case...but i have a small round baking tray...can i make in that...and also shud i grease the tray before placing the dough

    1. Hi shilpa, thanks for the visit. my tart case is aluminum with removable bottom, I also make with ordinary pie pan also.....just do not remove the crust from the pan incase it breaks (the crust is very flaky and has a tendency to break) ...leave it in the pan to cool....then pour the filling and cut into can make in ordinary round pan, but the sides of ordinary pan are higher than pie pans...yes you should grease the pan....with butter and then dust it with flour...if you have any small sided steel pans or will also work fine....hope this helps....have a great day.

    2. Thanks a lot nisa....i will definitly try this one...

  12. Hi first time here...your chocolate tart looks real visit my blog when you are free..happy to follow you..


  14. Hi Nisa.

    The chocolate tart baked by me following your recipe given was fantastic. I am glad to flaunt it like always. I just had one query in it. The tart was little soft & flaky. My microwave is a 30 ltr one so I baked the tart for 30 mins. Can you help out with it. While slicing it, the tart was breaking. Hence, I thought I's ask you for the exact time to bake the tart. Please assist & thank you once again for making baking so simple at home. Thanks

    Priyanka Kaul

  15. Hi, one stick butter is 100gm or 500 gm?

    1. Hi Amrusha, 1 stick is 100 gm....hope this helps.

  16. hey nisa! I baked this early in the morning for my mother's bday.. the taste and everything else was absolutely perfect, but my base cracked.. please tell me how to fix it so tht wen I bake it next time, it does not crack

  17. How much is 1 one stick butter?

  18. Is greasing required on the tin

    1. No need, but you can if u are not using a removable base.

  19. Can we use silicon moulds

    1. Can i use cake base. As I don't have tart base.
      Can you plz send your phone no.
      If you can't than plz don't take it
      I would like to appreciate you for your dedication towards cooking.
      My name is sanvika.
      I am in seven standard.
      You know you are my inspiration.
      I have tried almost your every dish.
      I have gave my name as I don't have any profile. That question is there that we can use silicon base is also my question. Thanks mam.thank you very much. Plz reply.

    2. You can use cake base; but the problem is the tart base will not come out like it has for me, but you can scoop out with a spoon .....You can use silicon base. Sanvika, I am always on FB or you can mail me at I will be glad to help you. Thanks for stopping by :)

  20. Thanks mam.

  21. Hi mam goodmorning
    You used cow's or buffalo's milk.


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