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My Cooking station.

My cooking station or the place I cook food for my family is just 5/6 is small and airy.

This is actually a work area which I converted into my small kitchen. Indian cooking has lots of splutters, frying, sauteing, smoking I opted for windows and not a built in expensive electric chimney....

I also wanted everything to be within my arms reach.....the counter space is small next to the gas stove...but I am quite satisfied with it.....the best part is easy cleaning.....I do not have a maid/cook to help....I do all my work on my own.....though the kitchen is small.....I enjoy working here....

If ever I need more counter space like kneading for pizza dough or rolling for garlic rolls or cookie making or cake baking....I just go to my pantry....there is plenty of counter space

The masala jars on the facing windowsill..... makes cooking a lot easier for me....everything within my arms reach :)

On the left windowsill I have kept the coffee, sugar, tea jars ...and also different types of oils which I use for my daily cooking.....I have a really big window on the it does not get windy....but plenty of fresh air to flush out the fried/smoke smell.....I wanted my tiny space to be as eco-friendly as electric light during daytime is another added plus point.....

My sink is big size (24 inch)....the idea is to wash big utensils like my biriyani pot, wok etc....on top of the sink is my good old steel plate stand.....were I can wash my plates and just pop on the rack, same with cups and spoons....

I will be cooking for you from this small kitchen of mine......welcome abroad!


  1. i liked both your kitchen and kitchen.... it is nice to get a peek in the kitchen of bloggers :-)

  2. I love your cooking station, Nisa - great to have such a big sink -
    enjoying your lovely recipes too - thanks!

    1. Hey, thanks for visiting my space and for the lovely thought.

  3. Loved ur space....lots of recipes....with detail pics....bookmarked....happy to follow you.....pls do visit my space and join too....

    1. Hi Asmath Nawaz, thanks for stopping by and for the follow...

  4. Hey chechi
    nice to see ur little space !!!

    1. Sumi, what a great surprise...thanks dear...BTW where are you these days??? not seeing you online??

  5. And I thought MY last kitchen was small! :) You do have a tiny kitchen which is amazing for all of the wonderful dishes you cook up! Love the way you have utilized each square inch to the ultimate. It's a great little kitchen!

  6. loved it dear.... n yaa am a grt fan of ur blog :) :)

  7. lovely kitchen station..
    your way of mingling with nature sounds great..:)
    Tasty Appetite

  8. Hi Nisa,
    Good morning.
    Hope you had a nice weekend.

    I am happy to read a continuation to your kitchen story. Your kitchen though small appears neat and well arranged. I mess up with things here and there while I cook. The evening's after work are dedicated to arranging them to their right place.

    My kitchen is too big and more than required for a cook like me. I hardly prepare food for more than 2 people.

    It is nice to see how the friends prepare at home. Thanks for sharing this post Nisa.


    1. Abhi, thanks a million for this wonderful comment...

  9. the black and white pic looks quaint. when r u giving me an official invite to lunch...i will set the menu...

  10. I simply loved your kitchen. specialy your simple and easy arrangement of all the required things. i so much wish i had a kitchen like you , very very cute.

  11. very practical work space...............nice you shared.thank you.

  12. You have thoughtfully arranged and chosen your kitchen work space Nisa. The amazing dishes you make, space is no constraint for you. Sheer talent. I love your blog! Do keep regaling us with your recipes.


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