An update: My friend Jay of Tasty Appetite has prepared this pickle and posted on her blog. Summer is the best season for making pickles; Kerala Lemon Pickle is easy to make and my favorite, my other personal favorites are fish pickle , irrumban puli pickle , ginger pickle , carrot and bittergourd pickle , green chilly pickle . Amla (nellikka) has so many health benefits and is also used in Ayurveda medicines and tonics. It is supposed to have the highest concentration of vitamin C, improves eyesight etc. Though it is slightly sour at first when you have it raw.....slowly the sweetness of the gooseberry tingles your taste buds. During my childhood, my cousins, my brothers, and myself used to put it in salt water for a day or two....and used to have it in between our out door games. This nellikka achar is very simple and easy to make.....there is no garlic or ginger in it....if you like you can add....but I like it plain....the story behind this pickle is that, my amma cam...