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Pineapple skin (peel) wine

I had a great holiday and a wonderful Christmas with my family......wishing a very happy new year to all my wonderful blogger friends.
This was my late grandmothers favorite wine....she used to make this for Christmas.... got the recipe from Vanitha... this wine always brings back fond memories of her. I always make pineapple jam, pineapple preserve, and pineapple squash before Christmas and make this wine with the skin of the pineapple....yes you guessed right I am a pineappleholic..... The best thing about making this wine is that you do not have to stir it every day...once it is all tied up you have to open it and strain it after 10 days and bottle it and keep for another 21 days and it is ready to use.....this wine is a huge hit with all my friends....especially their hubbies :)

Pineapple skin: 1 medium pineapple.(I also added the middle stem and 1 or 2 slices for extra flavor).
Sugar: 1 3/4 cup.
Water: 1 1/2 cup.
Beaten egg white: 1
Dry ginger or chukku : 1 tbsp crushed.
Cloves: 6.
Cinnamon: 2 sticks.
Yeast: 1/2 tsp.(I used instant yeast).
In a ceramic jar or bharani put in all the ingredients and mix well with a wooden spoon. Close the lid and cover it with a cloth and tie it tightly with a string. Keep aside in a dark place for 10 days on the 11th day strain it with a strainer. Pour into sun-dried bottles and keep for another 21 is best to keep the wine for 21 days to mature but for those who cant wait that long it can be consumed after 5 days of bottling.
Recipe Source: My Late Grandmom.

Happy new year to all!!!


  1. welcome back happy new year to you and family this looks fabulous

  2. very new to me dear...awsome wine...

  3. Welcome back, happy new year to you and your family. wine looks awesome.

  4. Cool wine..looks great
    Happy New Year.

  5. This is new to me! Will try it- one question was your pineapple sweet? The ones that we are getting now are sour!Merry Christmas & Happy new year !

  6. WIshing u a happy and prosperous new year..Fabulous pineapple wine..awesome!

  7. Thanks!I have bookmarked the recipe.

  8. welcome back dear wine looks superbb n nice click too

  9. Nisa,welcome back:)!!! Pineapple skin wine is super duper fantastic-I am wondering...this is non-alcoholic or a regular wine with the standard amount of alcohol? I will definately give it a shot.You had asked if there was a substitute to self raising flour-The answer would be-Baking Powder,yes-self raising flour basically comes ready with the rising agent.That is the only differemce between the regular maida(all purpose flour) and self raising flour :)

  10. Nisa, this sounds fabulous! I've never even attempted making wine before but it sounds pretty easy. Thank you so much for sharing with Cookbook Sundays today and I hope you'll come back next month!

  11. Stopping by from Cookbook Sundays, to say hello and let you know this looks delicious! This looks interesting and delicious. When I was on Maui, I purchased a bottle of pineapple wine, it was so good. thanks for sharing.

  12. Nice Sharing...Keep the updated your is very fantastic doing work.

  13. Nisha, The Pine Apple wine is really mouth watering me. Definitely I will go through your other recipe items.Very nice blog.

  14. nice blog on cooking.See you again.

  15. i had a question . Most people dont use pineapple skin for making wine . if i made a pineapple wine without peeling , then what kind of effect it will give when compared to pineapple wine which made from without its skin ? can anyone tell me ? thanks

    1. Hi, Anooj thanks for stopping by-about your query; I make this pineapple skin wine during pineapple season, this recipe has been passed down from my maternal grandmother, where there was pineapple in abundance during the season...and since there will be lots of pineapple skin after making jams and squashes with the pineapple flesh, these skin was used to make wine....I have added the middle part and 2 or 3 slices of pineapple while making wine...and found that it gave a nice flavor and color to the wine...hope this helps.

  16. Sounds great. One question is it possible to leave out the egg white as my partner has an egg allergy?

    1. Selkie-Thanks for the visit... this is my late grandmother's recipe and I really dont know whether you can make it without egg whites...sorry :(

  17. Is one and half cups of water enough?? Seems like it would not make much.

    1. Anon-Yes the recipe says so, to get more quantity I double the recipe.....sometimes I make with skins of 4 pineapple....and I get a good amount of wine...pls stick to the recipe...coz this is a handdown recipe of my family and always been a success. Thank u for the visit.

  18. Hello, I wanna try this out, as pineapples are out in market. Whats the cup size, I mean how many mL. Please let me know.

    Thanks in Adv!

    1. The cup sized is 200 ml......this is one of my favorite wine, do check my FB page, where a fan has posted a picture of this wine which she has made....good luck and thanks for stopping by :)

  19. Just now checked, very nice wine bottle, tempting to taste. Thanks for clarification.

    I also don't have ceramic jar at the moment handy. I am going to use either big clean glass or plastic bottle. Let me know if it is compulsory to use ceramic jar.


  20. Replies
    1. Clove is a spice, in malayalam it is known as "grambu"

  21. Can u please tel me if you added the skin as it is? I mean did u grate it or peel it very thinly Or sumthng like that. I have heard that water makes the wine sour. so do we have to wait for the washed skin peels to air dry? I really would like to try this out. Thanx in advance

    1. Yes, I added the skin...maybe cut into two or three...I make this wine often....when ever I cut a pineapple...I do not throw away the peels...I used filtered water...or boiled and cooled water....its better to wash the whole pineapple and allow it to dry overnight...then cut the skin...and pop into ceramic jar...with the flesh i make jam or squash....its one of the easiest wines...and always have a nice yellow color...try will love it.

  22. I think added too much sugar. Its just a week n the wine smells of canned pineapple. Can sugar be reduced? Is there any corrective step? I just started making it a week back. help me asap. thanks for this beautiful recipe. i think i shouldn't have messed up with the quantity. plzzzz help

    1. I am so sorry about this....and pls do not mess with the recipes again....

  23. I tried this wine. now 11 days are over n i have strained it and kept aside. as u told u could use it 5 days after bottling, i just could not wait. i had sip n i must tell u it tastes divine. my family loves it. thanks a lot. I really appreciate your hard work. I think next time i will double the qty!!!

    1. Hi Anon-thanks for the amazing feedback and so glad to know that you enjoyed it.

  24. Hi nisa,
    How do you store wine esp rice wine that is made in bulk

    1. I make onlyi with the above mentioned measure; rice wine also the same and it will be about 3 bottles and that will be there for a long time. But yes, it is best to store wine in glass bottles and away from sunlight (in dark place) it will stay good for ages. Thanks harvinder for stopping by :)


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