I love homemade jam be it pineapple, banana, apple or any fruit. I had made this pineapple jam long time back, but it still looks fresh and yummy even now. Making jam at home without the preservatives or colour is a real treat for kids. If the jam is stored in an airtight container in fridge it will keep up to a year. I add a little bit of it while making cakes to get the flavor or top it up on tarts etc etc. I have not added any sort of preservative or colour to this jam, but I kept it in the fridge. It is easy to make if you have a juicer at home. Just deskin the pineapple and cut into stripes and put into juicer. Mix the juice with sugar and keep on fire till it reaches jam consistency then add 4 to 5 crushed cloves and homemade jam is ready. Ingredients: Pineapples: 2 medium Sugar: 2 cups (you can increase or decrease it according to the sweetness of the pineapple). Cloves: 4 to 5. Lime juice: 1 to 2 tbsp. Method: Put the deskinned pineapple in the juicer and take the juice.