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Sunday Chats -2

Yay!! Its Sunday again! I hope you all had a wonderful week.

June is here, and its one of my favorite month for a few reasons; I was born in June, my daughter was born in June, and Monsoon starts in June. Rain is something that I love so much; and June is the beginning of rains here in Kerala. Monsoons, I welcome thee!

Last, Sunday I shared a few things with you and I felt good, so here I am again, sharing a few more things. So, what do you do on a typical Sunday? for me it church in the morning and breakfast at Indian Coffee House; its no secret that I love their masala dosa...... once, back home; its just reading newspaper elaborately leisurely.

Since mangoes are in season, I again made a batch of mango puree; my kids just go crazy over it. I hope you have tried it already! I also made some mango sorbet; I just added some sugar syrup (boiled about half a cup of water with 3 to 4 tbsp sugar) and lime juice to about a cup of mango puree....and kids enjoyed them, but I did not get a chance to take any pictures, so it did not find its place here. But, you can try it....its so simple and easy.

I also made a batch of mango ice cubes; its really a fun thing; which especially kids would love.....if you have ice cube tray....try this....sometimes I pop in a small toothpick in the center.....and it turns out to be a small and cute Popsicle.

I mentioned earlier in my bounty bars post that, my friend Renu Srikanth helped me with redesigning the site (thank you Renu). I have not met her personally or heard her voice until a few days back when she called me while visiting India. It was a moment of pure happiness for us, to hear, and talk over phone. I really don't know when and how I became so close to her, but some unseen power connected us and we became more than friends with each passing day. She finds her place in my family's talks and discussions and even my children started liking her and she often pops up in our family conversations. Nidhi and Cheriyan were thrilled to talk to her over phone.....but wait! the best part was yet to come....a box arrived at my doorstep....she surprise us with these chocolates!!

And for me .......Silpat Mat!! was something I longed for a really long time....I always believe that there is no space for "thank you" and "sorry" between friends,....this really made me so happy! and the chocolates! you know, I am a chocoholic!! Renu, if you are reading this, I just could not stop munching on these.....those bangles were so beautiful...loved it!

I cant wait to bake something on Silpat! So you can expect something in the near future....hopefully.

With kids back to school, I have some free time in the morning; oh! yes! summer was hectic for me .... I love to hang around with my kids; though I tire pretty fast and their energy level sometimes surprise me :)  But with them back to school, the house sort of feels a bit quiet....okay, I admit ...I miss them when they go off to school....and that is where blogging comes in.

Somebody sent me this video of sea lion....check it out you will love it.

Take care and have a lovely week ahead!

Until next week....


  1. Glad to see the arrival of Monsoon. Wonderful to know that Renu has sent you a gift hamper. Cheers!


  2. I have the exact same silpat. My sister gave it to me. I love it and the ones we have are really high quality.

  3. loved this post. happy to know that your family had a nice time talking to Renu..
    it s true that we miss kids when they go to school !! loved that bow art !!


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