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Nelliyampathy Hills / Civet Coffee

Nelliyampathy is a beautiful hill station, just 60 km from Palghat. A couple of weeks back we went for a quick get away and spent the weekend there. The road from Nenmara via Pothundy Dam is breathtaking, kids had fun counting those 10 hair pin curves.

We reach Green Land Farmhouse around 7 pm and it really was a much needed break from the city and the heat. We stayed in this farmhouse in the middle of the network was available....So we were off the grid!!
 Next day morning, we set off for a small trek, in the beginning the roads were okay....we could walk! But was misty!!

Then it narrowed.

Loved lazying around here for a couple of minutes.

Even took a family selfie...

Loved the view from here.....

I had to share what we found in the forest during out trek. Do you have any idea what it is??

This is Civet Coffee and when my husband, Homey showed me this seed which he had placed on a fallen leaf....I was intrigued as I have never heard of Civet Coffee though being a coffee addict, and he explained to me about it more, which I thought will share it with you

Civet Coffee is the most expensive coffee in the world!! and what exactly is civet coffee, this is actually coffee cherries that have been passed through the digestive system of a "Civet" or "Marapatti" is a cat-sized mammal found in Asia. A very unique combination of enzymes in the civets stomach will enhance the flavor of coffee and this is by breaking down the proteins that gives coffee its bitter taste.

It is said, that wild civets consume only the sweetest coffee berries especially when the fruit is at its peak, and so when it is swallowed by them, it is passed through the civets system, undigested or partially digested!! Once they are eliminated the beans will still be still covered with some inner layers of the cherry and must be processed further to extract the coffee beans prior to roasting. These are hand picked from forest floor, sun dried, and processed. Read more about it on wikipedia.

It was by sheer accident that Homey spotted this civet excretion and he explained to us more about this and for me it was something unimaginable...being a coffee addict...I assumed that I know everything about coffee! You should have seen Nidhi's face at that moment.....she is a coffee addict to the core....and always blames it on her genes (ya she puts the blame on me lol).

For fun I did share this picture on my Facebook page (follow me there) asking what it is....two or three friends commented as coffee, and I commented back saying coffee?? really??

I hope those who have not heard about Civet Coffee is enlightened about it....and if you need a break from the city....go right to the grid/radar....and enjoy the nature.

We had amazing food in the open there, especially this duck roast!

 Tea plantations.....


  1. wow what a heavenly place dear :) hoping you enjoyed a lot with your family :) very nice to know about the civet coffee ; didn't know about that; seriously it was quite an informative post .. splendid work on photography.. and the duck roast yummmyy.. bless you all guys love monu teena :)

    1. Thank you Monu Teena, it is really a beautiful place :)

  2. It was so much fun reading your post. Wonderful pictures too

  3. Hi nisa,how far is this place from bangalore.looks very similar to coorg.

    1. It might take around 7 -8 hours by road, you will have to come by Salem via Coimbatore to Palghat....then proceed to Nelliyampathy....since we lived in Coorg for almost 8 years, I should say this does not resemble Coorg, though there are coffee plantations.....even though it is was misty but beautiful weather.

  4. Wow, wat a pleasant place to spend a weekend na, btw your daughter looks exactly like u, civet coffee is something very unknown for me, thanks for sharing the info about this.

  5. I have heard from a Coorgi about coffee that was excreted and devoured by us humans but I never understood how. thanks for the details and the pictures, looked like an awesome retreat. i am planning a trip to Kodaikanal, myself, in the coming week. never been there before. the heat is killing me.

  6. A very beautiful place! I love your family selfie.

  7. Lovely pictures and a lovely family

  8. very different post from your usual post. look forward for more posts like this

  9. Such a nice family! I just love all the pictures. Civet coffee is really very delicious and healthy coffee. Whenever i feel tiredness i take it. Many experts agree that this gives it an unidentifiable taste that's unique to Kopi Luwak coffee alone.
    Kopi Luwak


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